Schools & Groups

Gingerbread projects in schools and with other groups, present a fantastic opportunity to link learning topics with many different subjects.

I love encouraging children to learn and to bake, and the gingerbread projects have encouraged and involved many different skills, linking topics to Art & Design, obviously, but also to Maths, Science, Literacy, History, Geography, pattern recognition and so much more - in fact we can probably find a way of linking in with any topic. 

For several years, I worked with year 1 students at William Westley C of E Primary School in Whittlesford and Katherine Semar Infant School in Saffron Walden, to create bespoke gingerbread projects related to their learning topics.

Each year would see a different theme - often relating to fairytales, including e.g. Hansel & Gretel, The Three Little Pigs, Combining lots of Fairy Tales together, Houses and Buildings, and more.

One year, after the bombings in France, my children wanted to "unite the world" in gingerbread, so we created a Colloseum shaped structure out of gingerbread flags of the world!  We have also created a church with pews inside and memorials, Santa on a sleigh, picnic benches, campfires and a very tall tree made out of stars - all out of gingerbread.

Here's a small selection of photos of some of the designs created - please get in touch if you would like to discuss The Gingerbread Grotto working with you to create a bespoke project with your school or group.